Our Mission
Encounter God. Love People.

The Tomb's Origin
The Tomb came from an encounter Pastor Bobby had with God after retiring from ministry and moving to Texas to be a full-time Real Estate Investor. One morning he opened his Bible, and it fell to John 11.
In this story, Jesus did not tell Martha and Mary Lazarus would not die (or have a death season). He told them it wouldn’t end in death but that this experience was tied to His glory being revealed. Pastor Bobby began to understand that death seasons aren’t final, just like Lazarus. Ecclesiastes 3 tells us there is a time and a season for every purpose under heaven. In Exodus 33, Moses wants to see the glory of God, and God tells him, “I’ll put you down here in the cleft of this rock, and I’ll pass by, and you can look at my back parts because no one can look on my face and live.” What if a death season is a prerequisite to seeing God’s glory in a more personal, intimate, and powerful way? What if we haven’t seen the things we’ve been believing for because, just like with Lazarus, God has allowed our death season so we can have a spiritual resurrection and see His glory? What if God comes to your tomb and calls your name? What if the divorce, loss of a loved one, loss of your reputation, loss of your home, loss of your mental strength, or whatever has brought about your death season is about to be swallowed up in victory? What if your testimony is written in 1 Corinthians 15 by Apostle Paul, “O death where is thy victory? O grave, where is thy sting?” Pastor Bobby believes we have entered a resurrection season and that Jesus has anointed him to call those that have been in a death season back to life. Our ministry is for those who have said life wasn’t supposed to turn out this way. We believe it hasn’t. Come forth!